- On development of humanity. (Received by Vlastimil H.)
January 21, 1999. 6:16-7:56 a.m.
Place: Sumperk.
Good morning Creator.
“Good morning Vlastik. What do you want to talk about today?”
About the development of humanity. Is it possible?
“Sure it is. The development of humanity goes in a direction which is not quite the way toward better tomorrows. Do you think that wars, killing, diseases and all other are here because it is supposed to be so? Not at all. All these things taking place here are well planned and orchestrated by the Forces of darkness, which strive to even more discourage and ground you. But I have given you a choice. You don’t have to choose this, you can set face against it, turn to the light and to beings living in it. Everything presented to you as an unchangeable fact can be changed by your mere thought. But the more given situation touches more people, the more thinking is needed to change it. If you need to change something in a relation to somebody else, it is necessary to change thinking exactly toward him. However, if it is a situation that touches more people, e.g., firing from job or closure of a firm, it is necessary that these people look at this from a different perspective. Every coin is double-sided and nothing is so hot as it was cooked, to speak in your earthly terms. So it is desired that one sits down in silence and asks oneself: ‘Why was I fired, or why was the firm closed and how did I contribute to its failure? Could I change something before that?’ Sure, you can always find things to change and improve. At the very least, you are now a bit wiser. Just that you stop and look upon yourself from without is a big progress. This means you perceive yourself as an independent thinking being and not as a part of the herd. Being part of the herd is very comfortable. But when you don’t know where the herd goes and you don’t participate in determining the direction, then don’t marvel and curse at it. It is useless for you yourself permitted this by your passivity. A good means to occupy you and put you to silence is television. Just take note of those pointless shows, programmes and series you are fed with. And you often swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Now you are surprised of my term “swallow hook, line, and sinker”, but why couldn’t I use parables and phrases you understand? It is essential to understand what I want to tell you. Regardless of the language. You use language to communicate and so to convey thoughts, experiences. When prescinding language, thoughts will remain. But these are essential. These control your acts and deeds. Hence, upon misbehavior, you must return to the wrong controlling thought. She caused that you didn’t behave in a different way.
It is quite difficult for some of you (most of you so far) to discern your inner voice, your thoughts from thoughts that someone alien insinuates you. The more you listen to alien thoughts, the more you let yourself be controlled. But beware! It is necessary to distinguish whether the fundamental thought is a creative thought, full of love, or it is a thought of hatred, greed and destruction. This way you can work your way to the point you will control and manage your own thoughts and you won’t be a mere toy of somebody else. Much like people are good and bad, full of hatred, so there are good and bad beings in the universe. Take a think and you will find this polarity everywhere. It is arranged so due to your evolution, so that you manage to liberate yourselves and make a choice. By watching television, you’re choosing the passive role and the reception of alien thoughts. And television has the filling function instead of the educational function. (Information = light, editor’s note). You call it amusing function. You often have a fear of staying alone, you fear your own thoughts and so, in order to not hear them, you rather stuff up our senses with television, radio, etc. Of course, I don’t have relaxation music in mind, at which you relax and let your thoughts flow freely and you just observe them from a distance. I mean music produced by some bands which invokes in you a thrill, heart beat, rush and stress. Everything quakes and shakes in you and you still listen to it. Why don’t you listen to your body? I have given it to you so that you could try it and discern what is good for you and what is not. I am now talking to every one of you who is reading these lines.
I repeat it again and I will calmly repeat it even hundred times to each of you:
It is and will be so and it will never be other way. Learn to listen to yourself and your surroundings with love, with love and feel. You need no television, radio or even music. All you need is in your within. Music, for example, can only help you to manage a bit of your way to me. It is a vibration which makes every cell of your body vibrate, and the coarser human and his thoughts, the coarser music. Love does not need loudness; Love needs harmony and unity of the body and the spirit. Let light penetrate into yourself, into your within, and leave off everything that darkens your senses, occupies your mind with uselessness. Saying this, I don’t mean that you do not take part in public events or watch events around you. It is necessary, however, to look at it differently – from an observer view and to listen to your feelings which are telling you how this or that influences you. You, Vlastik, are quite sensitive and you have had an opportunity to experience on your own skin, so to speak, what TV watching can do with a human. (I’ve had big troubles with the stomach and I’ve often run to the toilet – receiver’s note). And now realize that people who watch TV watch all those “garbage”, as you call it. What space is left here for people to think, to communicate, to solve problems? Surely much less with these means. You let yourself be stressed just to catch up with this or that TV programme. You rush about, thus destroying yourself. Where is the comfort, quietude, harmony of home where you want to return? You nullify it by single running a TV playing a drastic movie. Like hypnotized, you let yourself get dragged into the story, which actually does not directly relate to you. As if there were not enough problems around you to solve. Isn’t this a game? Game with you, your mind? The impulses you receive from the dark part of my Universe try to control you even through this medium called television. And I permit all this, because this is the Universe of free will and you make decisions. I can help by means of an advice, by means of my Love which I embrace you with at any moment. But only you decide whether you want it or not. I’ll give everybody what he needs to understand. To understand that one cannot build the Cosmos on the fundamentals of hatred, but on the basis of Love. This Love penetrates everything – even a stone – and it is only necessary to learn to perceive and feel it and to discern what is good. The higher number of people awakes and realizes this, the better the life on Earth will be. It is not just the phrase “to learn to discern good”, it is the very nature of decision making. Decision making at this time on future. You then collectively create a thinking of a group or a family, town, state, continent and planet. All this sums up, all your thought impulses are catchable and recordable. Everything you do or think of is constantly recorded in your diary, which you carry with yourselves, but which you don’t see so far. Once you end this life, you will review it. But you will not be able to influence anything you’ve done anymore. Now you still can. Never is too late, and the sooner, the better, the bigger reward you’ll get afterwards. Your greatest reward in this life is your good feeling of well-done work, of what you have managed, of how you’ve helped others, etc. In essence, there are no bad people, but only uncomprehending ones – those who have not understood how to behave, act and think. It is just a question of becoming aware of and realizing this fact. Therefore, do not judge anybody; just set example, explain and spread light further to your surroundings. All this will amply return to you in your children, in the relationship of neighbors toward you and in your friends. With time moving on, you’ll find out that you are not alone, that you have more friends and that they are full of love just like you. Again: The same attracts the same. What you send out you receive. But do not slouch your head, everything can be turned to good. Why the pessimism in the heads of some of you? Change your attitude to life and seek the learning resulting from given situation. The humanity evolves in such a way and direction as your thinking evolves. Pessimistic, destructive thinking leads to destruction. However, isn’t it just a destruction of something old, some outlived values and systems? Shouldn’t an essential change be made here? Every one of you will find the answer to this in your heart. When everybody makes a change in his heart and thinking, no wars and hatred will be necessary, for you will be full of love. Every one of you is concerned, so don’t be always interested in others. One must begin somewhere and also must end somewhere. Only life is eternal. Those who still cannot understand what I’m telling them by various means will later come to their understanding. But maybe it will no longer be on this beautiful green planet.”
- Food and nutrition. (Received by Vlastimil H.)
January 25, 1999. 11:30-12:13 p.m.
Place: Šumperk.
“I, Ashtar, the commander of the Grand Cosmic Squadron, am greeting you.”
(Part of the private message omitted.)
Should I launch some kind of association or club?
“Why association, why club? Simply meet voluntarily, exchange your experiences, define your further mutual progress, so that it will be of benefit to all people. It is not about help to ten or twelve people, but to masses of people. So that even doctors can see, hear and modify their opinion. We will continue to assist you in this.”
And what about nutrition and healthy food? How to explain that to people?
“Just like you’ve been doing this. By vibrations. It is a pity you don’t have devices for measuring vibrations. Your having them would not be in compliance with marketing of the black T-shirts. They rather do their best that people don’t speak of them whatsoever, and not even to develop devices for that. Your living in darkness like stupes – this is what they like.
Healthy nutrition is closely, really very closely, linked to people’s thinking. When you push people through knowledge, they will find the right way of living by themselves. Healthy nutrition includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, milk and its products, cereals. Eggs to a limited extent and meat as it is stated in the “Talks with teachings”. 1-2x a week maximum, including children. Don’t fear this will harm them! What you eat now is overmeated food, not the food with meat. Meat can eventually be completely omitted, but this may require some time. Obviously, the less meat you eat, the better. And the lower animal you eat, the better, too. All this relates to the laws of the Universe.”
And what home?
“Your wife has understood this already, but she doesn’t want to give it up. It’s her reaction on your strict NO to meat. And she is afraid of children, of their growth.”
And are the fears legitimate?
“No, they aren’t. If your wife and children were to reduce meat to even smaller extent than now, nothing would happen. You can check it out yourself.” (Vlastik deals with kinesiology – unblocking – editor’s note.)
Can you tell me what you feed on? I mean some typical menu…
“It depends on diversity of individual planets, on their development degree and on crops they grow there. It partially matches your food, especially when considering the composition of fruits and vegetables. Somewhere no meat and milk are consumed at all; somewhere else no milk and eggs are consumed. Consumed to a greater extent are cereal crops like corn, millet, panic grass, barley, common wheat, rye. We focus mostly on fruits rather than roots and plants themselves, since this way, again, we are in a lower opposition to the Cosmic Laws.”
Can Jamahama or some other biologist-doctor, in view of our conditions here on Earth, prepare a weekly menu for me or any other Earth man in general?
“It is possible. I’ll let them know. I think they will do this gladly for you.
This given to you with love by Ashtar, the commander of the Grand Cosmic Squadron, Jamahama, the biologist-doctor and Hljara, who is also greeting you this way.”
I am thankful, dear friends, for all these information and for your support. I love you. With love, Vlastik.
- A weekly meal plan for me. (Received by Vlastimil H.)
February 1, 1999. 11:30-12:13 p.m.
Place: Šumperk.
“Dear Vlastik, I, Jamahama, the biologist-doctor of the Ashtar’s space squadron, am greeting you.
You’d like to know more about the meal plan and food composition. I know you’ve dealing with this issue recently not only in relation to you. Your meal plan should look as follows: (Age 26 years.)
Breakfast: Mash, milk, cheese or fruit of your choice, with bread or some other baking. I don’t recommend buns (stuffed cakes). They are not the lightest meal for the morning.
Lunch: Anything of your choice and taste, except meat. Maximum 1 meat-meal per week, or rather 2 weeks. Obviously, the lower animal, the better – for example fish, sometimes even, although rather exceptionally, poultry. It is important to always thank the Creator for given food. It should be a vegetable food, containing enough raw vegetables. Don’t combine it with fruits. Sweet meal (e.g., buns, brown betty that you love so much) once in a week. Take a sauce with dumplings or potatoes or rice rather than all the sweet. That’s bad. Also buns, that your wife bakes you at home, should be eaten once in a week maximum. Don’t forget to eat an apple or some other fruits with it. It shall help your digestion.
Dinner: Should be light again – spread or another vegetable food, e.g. vegetable salad, which can be combined with cheese, milk and buttermilk. I recommend that you drink it down with magnetized water or tea or milk beverages.
Sometimes it occurs to us that you overeat yourselves with pork, beef and other kinds of meat. This leads to overall numbness of your senses and heaviness of your body since the body is flooded with an abnormal amount of poisons which it cannot eliminate in a timely manner. Consequently, this leads to plenty of digestion problems. You know yourself that you need just 2-4 deciliters of milk a week, no more, but on the other hand, you can drink one liter of acidophilous milk or buttermilk a week. It is all individual – you can test it yourself.”
And what about eggs?
“Eggs, yes, sure, they replace meat to some extent, although not completely. It is OK to have them 2-3 times a week.”
May I eat raw eggs?
“Yes, but you must know their source. They shouldn’t be older than 3 days maximum.”
So, it seems our home food is not that bad.
“No, it’s not, except for the buns. This is your weakness at the moment; it’d be fine to correct it. You, especially your children, need more fruits. You have at least 2 apples a day, your children not. Yesterday’s walnut-spread was fine; it is better to eat domestic walnuts rather than imported ones. They are grown in your climate. The salted peanuts often mildew and get rancid. You wife told you that correctly.”
What about cereals?
“We are used to eat more cereals (grains) and vegetables than you. We make variously modified grains; they are always well flavoured – either sweet or salty with vegetables.”
Do you use salt?
“No, we use natural salt from plants and vegetables. The content of natural salts is fully sufficient for your organism, but you have to eat more vegetables, particularly raw vegetables. Through fruits we get natural sugars for our organisms. Simply put, the less salt and various spices, the better. And it is not tasteless, but more natural, food. Our vegetables taste a little differently, too. We have different composition of the soil with regard to the elements contained in it.”
And juices of plants and fruits?
“We drink these to a greater extent. You are still at the beginning with such juices.
This was given to you with love by Jamahama, and Ashtar added something, too. Continue working, dear Vlastik, and spread the love and light. Ashtar.”
Thank you friends for the information, they pleased me a lot. I love you for your help and advices. With love, Vlastik.
- On meat in particular and food in general. (Received by Vlastimil H.)
February 2, 1999. 11:41-12:05 p.m.
Place: Šumperk.
Jamahama, what’s the truth about meat? Did I receive the yesterday’s message correctly?
“Yes, you did. I know you and your wife wondered about it, but it is so. One should not eat meat at all; but it depends on the evolution degree of a given individual. The lower vibrations of the individual, the higher need for meat. But beware, it makes no difference whether one is a hand worker or one works in the office. It’s about overall thinking! You recalled correctly that in the past, people worked hard, often much harder than today, and they had no meat in most cases, or only a little bit of it and on a seldom basis. If you’d like to maintain these contacts as before, you shouldn’t eat meat more than once in 14 days, and that’s the maximum. It should be fish meat, best the sea fish – they have enough iodine. You can avoid other types of meat completely.”
Am I perhaps making this all up to justify myself?
“No, of course not, and we are wondering you still doubt after such a long row of contacts. But I know you are searching for an optimum solution, for a radical solution is not always viable. I would advise you to continue in your current direction. You won’t miss the meat. The source of the problem you had recently lies in the sweet meal, in sugar.”
And what about tomorrow’s cakes with vanilla cream?
“You can have it; this is the one and only one sweet meal in a week. But don’t overeat it to not have problems again.”
What do you mean by “overeating”?
“A plate overflowing with cream.”
But I love it so much…
“I know, but still you should restrain. Nor today’s overflowing plate was all right. Don’t surfeit. I know, you argue that you feel comfortably saturated; however, as you are sitting here, it can be seen in the area of your stomach that not everything there is okay. In your words, at least as I know it, sometimes less is more.”
You know it correctly. Thank you for the advice, I’ll keep it in mind.
And what about children?
“Children need to eat meat or rather an animal protein. Especially if they have been led to it by parents since the earliest childhood, it is hard to stop at once. It can, however, be gradually restricted down to one portion of meat (again, best the fish meat) in 2 weeks. Although some people may be skeptic about this, that amount of meat is sufficient for a kid, indeed. To change the outer world, you must, in the first place, begin within yourselves and set new goals, modify original conceptions and establish a new order in your vicinity first. To this relates also a change of your eating habits, for this, on the other hand, is related to the freedom of thinking. The less heavy the meal is, the easier and better it becomes for your mind to free itself from matter and think from the perspective of love and goodness for all. It is an error that many people think that the better life they live compared to their parents and grandparents, the more meat they must eat (to show how fine they are). Such people are just the matter-oriented ones.
This was given to you with love by Jamahama, the biologist-doctor of the Ashtar’s space squadron, and I shall present you regards from all of us here.
With regards, “keep it up!”, Jamahama.”
Thank you, Jamahama, for confirming the correctness of my thinking and for other information. With love, Vlastik.
- The flu epidemic and television. (Received by Ivo A. Benda)
February 2, 1999. 10:46-10:54 p.m.
Place: Zlin.
“Dear Ivo,
You are asking if frequent watching TV is somehow related to the present influenza epidemic. Yes, it is. The mechanism that works here is that watching negative films impairs and weakens the body which, in turn, becomes an easy target of viruses, which are everywhere in big numbers. Yes, people who don’t watch TV have mostly positive vibrations and so they are not easily attacked by viruses.
Yes, dear Katka, you have a correct opinion on this effect and so one can see the rule of law, in terms of which a human who is negative and controllable has still a lot of work on himself/herself to be done, and the illness is an opportunity for him/her to start that work. Yes dear, this is the creation of our beloved Creator, and so millions of people are trying to work on themselves in this unpleasant way.
This message is given to you by Ashtar, the commander of the Grand Cosmic Squadron, himself.”
Thank you dear Ashtar for this message. We like you a lot. With love, Ivo & Katka.